The Canada List Home Page!
Well the first Canada List has been sent out and
people love it. At least they don't hate it. If you missed it then go to
the Archive section and you can read it again and again. As you may have
noticed The Canada List Home Page has also had some minor changes done to
it. Be sure to check out the new chat room that anyone is free to use to
talk to there friends around the world. This page was last updated on 12-16-97.
As always please read this Disclaimer.
-- Canada List Home Page Options --
Canada List Info/Subscribe
Click here to learn more about the Canda List and also to
subscribe to it.
Canada List Archive
An archive of past mailing sent out by the Canada List. A
must see.
Canada Connection
A nice little chat room that you may use with your friends.
Canada List Feedback/Questions
Send in your comments and see them posted on this site. Weather
you like it or dislike it we want to hear what you have to say! Also if
you have any questions please use this form to send them in.
Canada Comments
See what people are saying about the Canada List and it's
Home Page.
Canada Links
Click here to see some of the links that we feel are worthy
for you to visit.
Mission Statement
We here at the Canada List have come up with this mission
statement to help you better understand our goals in this project.
The New Canada List likes
people. Thank you for your
Contact the Administrators:
If you would like to speak with the founders of the
Canada List
click on the link below.